19th September 2024

Search Stoney Stanton Parish Council

Stoney Stanton Parish Council Serving the people of Stoney Stanton

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This statement confirms that it is necessary to extend the deadline for a decision on the application by Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited under the Planning Act 2008 for the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange Development Consent Order (the application).

Under section 107(1) of the Planning Act...

Outline application for Residential development of up to 80 dwellings and associated infrastructure (all matters reserved except access)

Letter to the new Secretary of the State for Transport ahead of the HNRFI decision in September.

Thanks to Cllr Chris Stubbs for the preparation of the flood report and photos.

Deadline 4 written representation to the planning inspectorate in regards to the HNRFI

These slides were shown to members in a public meeting on 12th December 2023.

Final published report from the examiner.

Letter to BDC regarding the land disposal at South Drive.

SSPC response to 23/0740/FUL application at Highfields Farm.

SSPC's written representation to the planning inspectorate on the HNRFI

Notification on hearings

Final draft of submission.

The parish council contracted planning consultants to prepare a full and comprehensive response to the HNRFI consultation, the response is attached.

FVNP decision statement

Mon, 21 Jun 2021

Statement for the FVNP referendum decision.

Referendum Q&A

Fri, 9 Apr 2021

Questions and answers about the Neighbourhood plan referendum.

Consultee objections to Stoney Stanton Business Park original reference 16/1654/OUT and Reserved Matters Application 20/0835/RM

Stoney Stanton Parish Council's response to the EIA Scoping Opinion Documentation requested from Tritax Symmetry regarding the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (HNRFI).

Please see Stoney Stanton Parish Council's DRAFT response to the Blaby District Council's Local Plan Consultation. Closing Date of 12th March 2021.

The Parish Council have taken professional advice on this consultation and we welcome residents to read this and use the contents to help with their own responses...

Members were asked to agree the response to the Hinckley National Rail Freight Infrastructure Scoping report to be sent before the closing date of 10th December 2020.